Your hearing aids are an important component in your overall health care plan. In order to keep them working well, they must be maintained. Much like you change your car’s oil every 5,000 miles and bring it into Pro 1 Automotive for a regular tune-up, hearing aids require similar attention.

Below is a look at daily and yearly hearing aid maintenance checklists you should be following if you want to keep your expensive electronic devices working well for years to come.

Your Daily Checklist

Below are the steps for maintaining your hearing aids each day.

Clean with a Dry Cloth

Much like most electronic devices, hearing aids and moisture do not mix. When cleaning your hearing aids, always use a soft, dry cloth to prevent any damage.

Test Your Battery

Your hearing aid needs a power source to be able to function. Unlike traditional batteries, the zinc-air batteries used in hearing aids can go from seemingly full to dead in an instant. Testing your batteries before heading out the door in the morning ensures that you’ll know if you have to bring extra batteries with you to make it through the day.

Check for Earwax

Your hearing aids spend all their time sitting in your ears being exposed to dirt, grime and debris. Earwax is especially problematic, as it can clog up the speaker and make sounds seem weak or muffled.

Store Correctly

When they are not in your ears, your hearing aids should be safely placed in their case. In order to prevent a buildup of moisture, experts recommend opening the battery compartment overnight to allow your hearing aids to dry out. Some opt to purchase a dehumidifier to further prevent moisture buildup.

Your Yearly Checklist

Below is a list of tasks you should perform each year to keep your hearing aids well-maintained.

Get Your Hearing Checked

Just like your eyesight, your hearing loss can change gradually over time. Your hearing aids will work best if they are programmed to match your specific degree of loss. The only way to know for sure is to come into the office for a hearing exam.

Get Your Hearing Aids Checked

While you are in the office for a hearing test, it is a good idea to have one of our experts take a look at your devices. This gives them an opportunity to identify any issues early and correct them quickly.

To learn more about proper hearing aid maintenance or to schedule an appointment with an expert, contact LeMay Hearing & Balance today.

Learn More About Hearing Aids