Hearing loss in children is probably more common than you’d think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Approximately 1 to 3 per 1,000 children have hearing loss. Other studies have shown rates from 2 to 5 per 1,000 children.”

If you have a child in your life who has hearing loss, you may be wondering how to share the holiday cheer with them. We review tips for this below.

Create a Good Listening Environment

Girl plays with her toy bear in a medical game, using an otoscope. Hearing clinic for children

You can create a good listening environment by reducing or eliminating background noise as much as possible. Turn the holiday music very low and mute the football game on TV. You can also add soft surfaces that absorb reverberant noise like tablecloths, curtains, rugs, etc.

Give Them a Good Seat

Create a seating chart and put the child at the center of the table so that they can follow along with everyone around them. Seat yourself or another trusted, helpful adult next to them so that someone can repeat any important information to the child.

Take Them Aside

If you want to talk to the child about school or their hobbies, take them aside somewhere quiet, away from the crowds so they can better hear you without competing with background noise.

Have a Discussion About Family Traditions

Talking to the child about your family’s holiday traditions will enable them to know what events to expect and in what order. This can help them be on the lookout for cues about what’s going to happen next. Ask them about any traditions they’d like to start – this will help them feel more included in the festivities.

Utilize Assistive Listening Technology

If the child wears hearing aids, make sure they’re charged or that you have extra batteries on hand. You may also want to invest in other assistive listening technology like an FM system or Roger mic so they can more easily follow along with what people are saying. You can even visit Board & Brush Creative Studio on Longley Lane to make centerpieces that can hold their equipment.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with a hearing expert, call [company] today.
