Hearing loss affects millions of Americans every year. Unfortunately, a large number of those people let their hearing loss go untreated.

Let’s examine a few of the common reasons why people are hesitant to treat their hearing loss, as well as reasons why it’s so important to get help for the condition.

Four Excuses for Not Treating Hearing Loss

Older man with a hearing aid talking with his audiologist.
  • “I’m too young to have hearing loss.” While hearing loss becomes more likely the older you get, anyone at any age can experience it. Noise-induced hearing loss is a problem that affects all age groups and can happen due to noise exposure on the job or during certain activities like hunting or attending rock concerts.
  • “Hearing loss is no big deal.” Some people resign themselves to hearing loss being an inevitable part of getting older and feel no need to treat it. They also might feel that because they only struggle to hear in certain situations that it’s not that bad or believe it’s something to worry about.
  • Hearing aids will make me look old.” People worry that using hearing aids may make them look old or less capable to others. Research has shown that stigma about hearing loss can affect a person’s decision to use hearing aids.
  • “My hearing is just fine.” Hearing loss can often be a gradual condition. Unfortunately, this can lead many people to assume they don’t have a problem. If someone thinks they hear just fine, it becomes extremely difficult to get them to seek treatment

Three Reasons To Use Hearing Aids

  • Hearing aids keep you connected to others. One of the hardest parts about hearing loss is that it makes it harder to understand speech and communicate with others. This can affect all your relationships, from making it harder to follow a meeting with co-workers or enjoy a conversation with your spouse while out to dinner at Bistro Napa. Hearing aids make it easier to communicate and stay connected to those close to you.
  • Prevents you from missing out on the sounds that bring you joy. Whether it’s the birds chirping in the park, rain falling against your window, or your grandchildren laughing as they play in your background, so many sounds bring joy throughout the day. Hearing aids make sure you don’t miss out on those sounds you love the most.
  • Hearing aids are good for your health. People who treat their hearing loss with hearing aids have lower levels of anxiety and depression, balance issues and a reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia as opposed to those who leave their hearing loss untreated.

If you’ve been putting off getting a hearing test, give the experts at [company] a call today to schedule an appointment.
