While summer may be winding down, the grueling heat and direct sunlight isn’t going away for at least a month or two. If you wear hearing aids, it is important you take extra precautions to keep them safe, as these delicate devices are your connection to the hearing world.

Importance of Protecting Your Hearing Aids

Exposing your hearing aids to the harsh summer heat of Reno may end up costing you, as repairs and replacement costs can add up. While the air in the desert may not be humid, your ear sure is. Since your hearing aids spend all day in your ear, they are exposed to a high level of humidity. Like most electronics, hearing aids are made up of wires and circuits. Moisture can damage these connections and cause your hearing aids to stop working.

Being able to hear well is why you invested in your hearing aid. With some simple preventative actions, you can keep your hearing aids safe and enjoy spending time with your family and friends during these last weeks of the summer.

Summertime Hearing Aid Risks

Below are some summertime factors that pose a risk to your hearing aids.


You should do everything you can to prevent your hearing aids from being in direct sunlight as the high temperatures can damage the casing of your hearing aid as well as the batteries. When out and about, you should wear a hat with a large brim to provide protection. When possible, opt to spend time in the shade.


There is not much you can do to prevent yourself from sweating, especially when walking around in the Nevada heat. When you sweat, moisture can build up inside your hearing aids. When you take your hearing aid out of your ears for the night, make sure to leave the battery compartment door open to allow moisture to evaporate. Purchasing a dehumidifier also works to help dry out your hearing aids overnight.


Never jump into a pool while wearing your hearing aids. If possible, remove your hearing aids and put them safely away before you even dip a toe into the water. You never know when someone is going to do a cannon ball into the pool, soaking everyone.

Chlorinated water can corrode the batteries and damage the microphone and receiver of your hearing aid, so getting splashed with water from Northwest Pool isn’t ideal.


If you go on a beach vacation, make sure you keep your hearing aids far away from the corrosive saltwater spray from the ocean. Salty beach water can leave a crust of salt crystals inside your device, which can cause extensive damage.

To learn more about protecting your hearing aids this summer or to schedule an appointment with a hearing expert, contact LeMay Hearing & Balance today.
