Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing a ringing, buzzing, clicking or hissing in the ear when no sound is present. A symptom of an underlying condition rather than a disease on its own, tinnitus has long baffled professionals. Understanding where your tinnitus is coming can help you find relief.

Hearing loss has long been connected with tinnitus. In fact, about 90% of those with tinnitus also have hearing loss. But this is not the only disease related to the annoying ringing in the ear. Below are some of the less common health conditions associated with tinnitus.

Meniere’s Disease

Woman with a headache

This inner ear disorder can affect both your hearing and balance. The most debilitating symptom of this condition is the recurring episodes of vertigo, the sensation that you or your surroundings are moving. These episodes can occur without warning and can last for minutes to hours. Severe episodes of vertigo are often accompanied by nausea.

In addition to vertigo, those with Meniere’s disease often experience hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the ear and tinnitus.

The cause of Meniere’s disease is unknown, but experts suspect the symptoms appear as a result of excess fluid in the inner ear.


This condition involves an abnormal and extreme sensitivity to sounds, especially to ordinary environmental sounds presented at a normal volume, such as a barking dog, a vacuum cleaner and even the jingling of coins. Those with this condition report experiencing physical pain when exposed to sounds.

Most people with this rare hearing disorder also experience tinnitus.


Known as selective sound sensitivity, this condition results in an abnormal negative emotional reaction to specific sounds. Those with this condition report feelings of anger, disgust and fear toward specific noises, such as someone chewing, breathing or typing.

While unsure of the cause, researchers think this disease is the result of how the brains filter sounds and may trigger an automatic response from the body. Some suspect there is a mental component to this disorder as well.

Learn More About Tinnitus
