Genes Associated with Age-Related Hearing Loss Discovered
The majority of folks with hearing loss in Reno can blame their condition on either noise or age. A decline in hearing ability isn’t inevitable the older you get, but it’s definitely more likely. An interesting new study recently identified the genes associated with age-related hearing loss, paving the way for better treatment solutions in…
The Link Between Cigarettes & Hearing Loss
You’d have to be living under a rock not to realize the health hazards associated with smoking cigarettes. Emphysema, bronchitis, lung cancer – the list is a mile long. Research shows that smokers in Reno are at risk of another health problem associated with cigarettes: hearing loss. Risks of Cigarette Smoke About one in five…
What is Your Vestibular System?
Walking is one of those things you probably take for granted, like breathing and blinking and a sad episode of “This Is Us.” But if you actually stop to think about it, walking without tripping is a surprisingly complex process – one that your vestibular system handles for you on a daily basis. The Human…
Seven Reasons You Might Be Feeling Dizzy
There are many things that can make people in Reno feel off-balance. The six o’clock news springs immediately to mind, but we’re not speaking figuratively here. Dizziness affects all of us from time to time; most often it passes quickly and is nothing to worry about, but sometimes poor balance can be indicative of a…
Make it a Blockbuster Night with Hearing Loops
The Biggest Little City in the world is renowned for splashy casinos and upscale restaurants, but many residents prefer the simpler pleasures of an old-fashioned night out at the movies. If you have hearing loss in Reno, the big-screen experience can be stressful, but don’t write off the latest Spielbergian blockbuster just yet: hearing loop…
How to Travel for the Holidays with Hearing Aids
For many people in Reno, this is the time of year when they travel over the river and through the woods. Whether it’s to grandmother’s house they go – or the all-you-can-eat buffet at Circus Circus – they’ll have to plan in advance for their trip. The usual holiday stresses, such as traffic and weather,…
What is the Vestibular System?
If you’ve ever tapped your foot or sang out loud when Aerosmith’s rock ‘n roll classic “Walk This Way” played on the radio, you’re hardly alone. The two-measure drumbeat and an irresistible guitar riff are enough to inspire anybody to start swingin’ like they just don’t care! But have you ever wondered how, exactly, you’re…
What Causes Hearing Loss?
Have you noticed a decline in your hearing? If so, welcome to a not-so-exclusive club: 48 million Americans experience hearing loss, making it one of the most common physical conditions in the U.S., behind arthritis and heart disease. Nevadans are no exception! There are a number of hearing loss causes in Reno and across the…
Think You May Have a Hearing Problem?
Hearing problems in Reno aren’t always easy to recognize. 48 million people throughout the United States experience hearing loss, but many aren’t even aware of their condition. That’s because in most cases hearing loss develops gradually, and the brain adjusts to the impairment automatically. It often takes a friend or loved one to clue you…
How to Choose a Hearing Aid
If you’re a Reno resident who has recently been diagnosed with hearing loss and been told that hearing aids are a beneficial treatment solution, you are probably feeling quite a bit of stress over the sudden changes to your lifestyle. Choosing a hearing aid can feel overwhelming, especially given the wide variety of devices on…